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Our Services

  /  Our Services

“Aha!” moment (def.): A moment of sudden realization, inspiration, insight, recognition, or comprehension.*


(* Merriam-Webster.)

Thinkinc. is widely known for our out-of-the-box thinking and ability to create targeted and effective strategies for clients.We provide the critical strategic thinking and planning that most organizations desperately need but do not have the time or internal resources to tackle properly, delivering multi-level strategies with the power to seize the debate, transform thinking around key issues, and elevate our clients into thought leaders.

Our focus areas and primary capabilities include:

  • Strategic Planning & Positioning
  • Partnerships & Alliances
  • Communications
  • Impact Leadership Development

Under the leadership of founder, President, and CEO Laurie R. Glenn, over the past two decades we have successfully worked with numerous nonprofit organizations, community groups, businesses, and individuals. We invite you to review our regularly growing client list for additional information including work samples and media placements, and browse the qualifications of Ms. Glenn and our staff on our team page.

To discuss how Thinkinc. can get your organization to the next level, contact us now at