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J4J’s Hurricane Ida relief effort

In August 2021, the devastation wrought by Hurricane Ida — the strongest storm to hit Louisiana since Katrina in 2005 — displaced thousands of people in Louisiana and left more than 1 million without power. Amid flooding and storm surges, many evacuated New Orleans and headed to Baton Rouge. There they found assistance from a rapid-response team led by Journey for Justice Alliance, a national organization comprising grassroots community groups in 36 cities and a Thinkinc. client, in partnership with the Baton Rouge and Louisiana NAACP and Step Up Louisiana. Media outlets covering the rapid-response team included Block Club Chicago, the Chicago Sun-Times and more.

J4J representatives arrived from Chicago; Detroit; Little Rock, Ark.; Newark and Camden, N.J.; Houston; Dallas and College Station, Texas; and Baton Rouge, La.; to team up with local NAACP leaders and Step Up Louisiana. The groups acquired and distributed supplies and raised funds to support families in Louisiana, specifically targeting Baton Rouge and New Orleans. Supplies and donations included bottled water, baby wipes, toilet paper, toothpaste, disposable diapers, snacks of peanut butter crackers, paper towels, disinfectant wipes, hand sanitizer, sanitary napkins and more. J4J sought to serve 1,000 families right after the storm hit and to return biweekly to provide more support. In addition, the organizations sought to raise a minimum of $20,000 to purchase and distribute more supplies as well as generators, lanterns and other necessary items.

Thinkinc. is honored to assist in publicizing our client’s humanitarian efforts.