As City of Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel Fast Tracks a plan to build a new $55 million stadium just blocks from the now demolished Harold Ickes Homes Chicago Housing Authority (CHA) site, former residents will hold a press conference/rally on the vacant lot to shed light on the CHA 2014 Moving To Work Annual Plan Public Comment Deadline ENDING ON FRIDAY, September 27th and demand that the CHA commence replacement housing for displaced residents.
Former Ickes residents who have waited four years for replacement housing since its demolition in 2009 are demanding that the CHA use the funds designated for replacement housing for its intended use. Additional demands are that the 47,000 former residents who were purged from the CHA waiting list be reinstated for public housing vouchers.
Right to Return Residents of Harold Ickes Homes
10:00 am
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Former Harold Ickes Site
2200 S. State, Chicago, Illinois
On May 16, 2013, Mayor Emanuel announced the expansion of McCormick Place to include a DePaul University Arena and Hotel. The City would spend $33.5 million for the arena and $21.5 million in TIF funds for a Marriott Hotel. Chicago City Council voted to approve this plan in July 2013 with a completion date of Fall 2016. At the same time, CHA continues to stall on building the replacement housing for tens of thousands of people on the CHA waiting list and hundreds more who were promised the right to return. For more information go to www.chicagohousinginitiative.